Archive for April, 2010

CECS 6100 – Week 16

April 28, 2010

The requirement of the paper (10-pages), I think I surpassed the requirement. I developed a new instrument ‘one item each’ based on other three validated instrument ‘also one item each’. As I said in one of my previous blogs, I decided to write about the diffusion of innovation theory by Rogers to explore how many users have already adopted the Blog technology and how those users fall-in Rogers adopters’ distribution model. I think the paper will produce good information regarding this technology and how users are incorporating this technology into their lives. The reason that I developed a new instrument is to obtain the scores of participants and then correlate my instrument with the other three instrument and find out if blogs users will have similar adopters distribution model or not.

CECS 6100 – Week 15

April 28, 2010

This week is the dead week and there is no class, students prepare to turn in final projects.

CECS 6100 – Week 14

April 28, 2010

This week class meeting was online using World of War-craft (WoW) platforms. WoW is an online video game that users pay monthly subscription to be able to play. The instructor has provided the class with 10-days trial version so that we can log in and explore this environment. Our main purpose for the class is to figure out whether or not this environment efficient for learning? Will students appreciate it as a learning medium? All in all, WoW was a good experience as a game, but I don’t believe it will be a sufficient learning tool.

CECS 6100 – Week 13

April 28, 2010

A meeting was held with the instructor to discuss the group project ‘deformation of communication’. One forum was provided to analyze how this technology has deformed the communication among students. The idea behind this analysis is to classify each statement on the forum to: strategic, constative, normative, and dramaturgical. The classification process will divide the statements into four groups which will help us as project developers to uncover why the communication has been deformed in this forum. After statements classification is completed, the group members will look for consistent literature reviews to support our claim that technology can deform communication.

CECS 6100 – Week 12

April 28, 2010

In this week students were assigned to write a paper based on the readings that we have done thus far in the semester regarding: what the experts believe that distributed/distance learning is. Students need to formulate their own theory of distributed/distance learning. The paper has to be minimum of 10 pages to express literature supported theory of distributed/distance learning. The paper organization will include: a brief introduction to your theory (1 page), a brief (3-4 page) literature review or relevant articles, an explanation of the basic ontological, epistemological, and methodological principles underlying the theory (1-2 pages), an overview of the core theory of distributed/distance learning and learning in general (2-4 pages), an explanation of how this theory will impact instructional design of distributed/distance learning (2-4 pages), and lastly conclusion and summary. I have decided to write about the diffusion of innovation theory by Rogers to explore how many users have already adopted the Blog technology and how those users fall-in Rogers adopters’ distribution model. I think the paper will produce good information regarding this technology and how users are incorporating this technology into their lives.

CECS 6100 – Week 11

April 28, 2010

This week class was a detailed discussion of Dr.Warren learning theory ‘Teaching and learning as Communicative Actions’ (LTCA). The purpose of this theory is to develop a practical means of understanding and improving what is at the center of the both this theory and instruction: effective human communication towards a goal. It is an interesting learning theory that would guide the whole class to start developing our individual learning theories for the next assignment.

CECS 6100 – week 10

April 27, 2010

After the instructor has divided the class into three major groups to complete three projects by the end of the semester,. I was assigned to ‘Deformation of communication in online teaching and learning: How do technology systems used for teaching and learning enhance or degrade education? As a group, we have decided to choose forums as a type of communication and find out how technology has some-how deformed this type of communication. There are quite few means that can cause the deformation of communication within forums, one of which is the technology connection over the internet. The internet connection can get disconnected due server crash or power outage. Another mean of deforming communication is that students don’t read the instructions for every class module leading to a major misunderstanding within the forum. The third mean of deforming communication is the hidden feelings behind the typing, sometimes, words don’t express the exact intention of a forum post. Our group will look closely at the means that affect communication deformation.