Archive for the ‘Cognitive Neuroscience’ Category

Cognitive Neuroscience 2 – week 3

January 26, 2008

This chapter of the book talks about the nervous system within the human body, and describes the complicated structure of the nervous system and how the brain has a full control of that system. The nervous system helps delivering signals to and from the brain to the rest of the human’s body.  Chapter 2 explains the benefits of the nervous system based on research studies.

The nervous system consist of two main parts, the first part is the central nervous system which represents the brain and the spinal cord. The second part of the nervous system is the peripheral nervous system which represents the nerves in all over the human’s body. In the past, researchers have studied the brain through dissection operations manually, but modern dissection techniques include the use of electron microscopes and sophisticated chemical analyses. Researchers have found interesting information about human’s brain. Human’s brain consists of three parts the forebrain, midbrain, and the hindbrain, each parts has its own components and functionality.

Researchers’ intentions were to find out how human’s brain interacts with the rest of the body in learning new information. And this interaction process is about sending signals to all over the body through the nervous system. It appears that the brain has the convoluted cerebral cortex surrounds the interior of the brain and this component is considered to be the foundation of human cognition.